Nakka Israel

I was working as Railway Reservation Clerk. I had a good salary including all other allowances. Before my parents death I was married. After marriage, she was not able to have children. Many people advised me to adopt an orphan child as our child. I being a Hindu went to all holy places in our country and abroad. I asked God for only one thing: to give me a child. I had a lot of money and could buy anything for the sake of my child. My wife was also sad on this issue. I was working in a far off village.

One day a preacher from a nearby town came to preach the Gospel message. His simple way of preaching was understandable and showed the simple way of salvation. Many times I had visited Hindu places, but I could not understand ever a single word of what the priest said. So I took my wife the next time to hear the sermon of the preacher. She was astonished by the gospel message and went forward to accept Christ. She spoke to the preacher and prayed and eventually had a child. She said it was the miracle of the preacher, but he told her it was Jesus Christ. Then she changed her life into a Christian life. This was the start of our family coming to Christ.

Since that time I dedicated my life to the Lord and became a preacher. I have led more than 500 souls to Christ and have started five churches and trained four men who are now pastors. Now I am the first pastor in my village where there are so many idols. Slowly I am getting a good response.

Recent News Update:

We began supporting Bro. Nakka Israel through the Final Frontiers program. As of right now we receive quarterly updates from him. He stated in the most recent update that he is needing an extension added on to their church building and is concentrating all of his time on soul-winning. He also stated, accidentally he went to one elder of the village. The elder was home and received Nakka into his home and introduced him to his wife and children. Over a cup of coffee, Nakka witnessed to the elder and his family members. He spent about two hours explaining Bible verses and clarifying their doubts. Thank God the elders wife and son accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Bro. Nakka requests that we pray for this elder because unfortunately he did not accept Christ but also did not oppose his witnessing to his family.

Please be in prayer for Bro. Nakka Israel as he is bravely witnessing to unsaved people in India, a nation of great persecution toward Christians.

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"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
Romans 10:9-10

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